5 Magical Tips To Get Thick Hair In A Month?

Last Updated on 3 years by Anukriti Srivastava

Head hairs are the most essential element of the human body. They cover the skull, thus protecting the skull skin from external environmental factors. They add to the personality and beauty of a person. Whether it’s a male or female, everyone wants to have thick hair because why not hair enhances the personality of the individual and makes the person look more attractive. 

A few years back I had severe hair fall, and I tried every hair care product to reduce this. But I miserably failed. After doing extensive research on how to get thick hair quickly , I realized that hair growth is a gradual process, and it cannot be speeded up externally. But I found a few things that have helped me get back my natural thick and strong hair. Now I get compliments for my long, thick and strong hair. People ask me what all I do to make my hair look rich and voluminous. There are several things that I do to make my hair thick and shiny. Here I am sharing some useful guide that I do to make my hair thick and strong

There are only a few lucky people who are blessed with natural thick and strong hair. How to get strong and thick hair is always a question of argument among experts. There are various products launched in the form of hair serums by the cosmetic industry, medical industry that claim to make the hair thick and strong, but they do not work on everyone and are not the verified way to get thick hair. 

Thickening of hair is not a magical process, it needs time and effort. There are no such pills, supplements or cosmetic products available in the market till date that claim to give you thick hair in a month. 

Are you also someone who is looking for some tips and tricks to make your hair thicker in a month? I suggest you read this article. 

Before you start reading the article, let me be very honest with you that hair growth is a natural process, thus it needs time. So don’t assume that you will have thicker hair just in a month. 

Hair is made of keratin protein, and no outer application of products can help in making it thicker. it not possible to make hair thicker in a month. but it can start thickening and in few months you can see the results. it’s just the marketing strategy of the companies that claim that their products will make your hair look thicker in a span of one month. 

But you can be conscious and careful while dealing with your hair. So let’s dive into the article.

Eating Right For Magical Results

It is said that what you eat is what reflects from your body. As I have told you earlier, hair is made of keratin protein, you cannot provide this protein to hair from outside. Growth and thickness of hair is genetic, and thus it depends on your genes. But diet plays an important role in what genes express outside. For this you need to eat a healthy diet that has protein in it. You need to eat plenty of good-quality proteins, good fats like omega-3, olive oil etc. 

  • Seeds- Include seeds such as basil seed, chia seed, nuts in your diet.
  • Dairy Products- Dairy products are rich in fat and protein and are good for the health of hair. You can have cheese, milk, and eggs.
  • Protein diet- Food items such as salmon, fish, chicken are rich in protein which promotes hair growth. 
  • Fruits and Vegetables- Fruits like avocado and vegetables are great sources of vitamins and protein that support in making hair thick and stronger. 

So make sure to eat the right food if you want to make your hair thick and stronger. 

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Using The Right Hair Product For Faster Growth

There are a plethora of hair products available in the market from shampoo to conditioner that claim to be effective on the growth of hair. But it does not hold true completely. Only using such hair products will never make your hair thicker. These shampoos are made up of chemicals that are effective in cleaning your hair, thus protecting them from external unnecessary elements such as dirt, dandruff that are an obstacle in hair growth. 

At times, in desperate desire to get thicker hair, we end up using the wrong hair products or experimenting with hair products which results in negative effects. So using the right hair product is very important. 

There are various shampoos and conditioners available for different kinds of hair. From mild to strong, for normal to oily hair, there are options for all kinds of hair. But before opting for any such product, you should check the quality and texture of your hair and then decide on these products. Because the wrong product can have negative impacts.

Chemicals that should be avoided in Any Hair products

SulphateSulphate are a common ingredient that are used in shampoo. This is used to form lather and provide deep cleaning to hair. But this chemical causes dryness, itching, skin irritation, and removes natural oil from the hair. Thus shampoo with Sulphate should be avoided. 
Formaldehyde:Formaldehyde is another harmful chemical that is used in many shampoos. They can cause dermatitis, allergy, eczema etc. Ensure to check for this chemical as well.
ParabenYou must have heard of not using products with parabens. Parabens are used to increase shelf life of products. According to researchers, parabens get easily absorbed in the skin and cause redness, irritation, itching, and hives. They even cause hormonal changes and breast cancer. So it must be avoided while choosing the hair products. 
harmful Chemicals for hairs

Use products with organic and plant based ingredients which include essential oil, fruit extract, and botanicals. Shampoos with natural ingredients are mild on the skin, maintain the pH and natural hair oil. 

Don’t Overuse Shampoo and Over wash

Optimum hair washing for thicker hairs

To remove dirt and oil from the hair, we tend to wash our hair rigorously with shampoos. But this rigorous washing of hair with shampoos can damage the scalp. Apart from this, the overuse of such chemical products can lead to loss of natural oil from hair, thus reducing the natural shine of the hair. Overuse can damage hair health as well. So be mindful while using these products. Washing hair twice a week is advisable. washing More that Twice or thrice can reduce The hair Thickness Speed and cause Hair Thinning.

Don’t Use Hot Tools

Styling of hair has been trending for ages and tools like dryer, straightener, curler etc. are used to do so. These hot tools damage the hair causing its frequent breakage and untimely hair fall. If you want your hair to be thick and healthy, then try avoiding the use of such tools.

Regular Brushing

You must have heard from your grandmother or from your mother to brush your hair at least twice a day. This is because brushing the hair regularly increases the blood circulation and also helps in distributing natural oil that protects the hair from damage and maintains its natural shine as well. Regular brushing exfoliates the scalp by removing dead hair. Don’t brush your hair when they are wet as it can lead to hair fall. 

Wooden brush is considered as the best for combing. They have various benefits:

  • Wooden brush gently distributes the natural oil present in hair to the roots. It is more efficient than artificial brushes. 
  • Wooden brushes do not produce any static thus prevents hair from getting frizzy.
  • The brushes of wooden brushes are gentle on the scalp thus providing a mini massage on the scalp which increases blood circulation that ultimately helps in hair growth.

Try Harmless Home Remedies For Healthy Thick Hair

There are many home remedies that help with thickening hair. These are harmless and effective. One such method is applying natural hair oils like coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil on your scalp and massaging it gently. This helps in keeping the scalp moisturized, increases blood circulation and reduces hair fall. Homemade hair packs, applying aloe Vera gel etc. It can help with the thickening of hair. 

Aloe VeraAloe Vera is considered as the best plant for all kinds of skin and hair related issues. It conditions the scalp thus helps in reducing dandruff and hair fall. You can directly use the aloe Vera gel on your scalp or you can use products that have aloe Vera as an ingredient.
Onion JuiceOnion juice has been used as a treatment of curing hair related issues since ages. It helps in promoting hair growth and increases blood circulation. You can blend a few onions and apply its juice on your scalp and leave it for 15 minutes. Finally you can shampoo your hair.
Lemon JuiceLemon is also considered as one of the best remedies for hair problems. Lemon juice has vitamin C that reduces dandruff and encourages hair growth. You can mix lemon juice in coconut oil and apply it on the scalp. Leave it for 15 minutes and then shampoo your hair. 
Natural Ingredients for Faster Hair Thickness

Change in lifestyle For Quick Results

Lifestyle also affects the growth and health of hair. Living a lazy, stressful and unhealthy lifestyle can lead to hair fall. Taking drugs, medications, not maintaining scalp hygiene and smoking can have a negative impact on hair. For healthy hair you need to shift to a healthy lifestyle. Try meditations to reduce stress, exercise daily and eat a balanced diet. 

Avoiding Stress Can be Magical For Hair Thickness 

Stress is quite common these days and it is affecting the overall health of the individual. Stress affects mental health, physical health and can cause temporary hair loss. You can try meditation and exercise to live a peaceful life.

Protecting Hairs From Pollution

We are all aware of increasing pollution in our environment day by day. This is not only affecting the environment but causing bad effects on human health as well. Environmental pollution is also a reason for hair fall. We cannot avoid going out but we can take certain measures like covering the hair when stepping out or wearing a hat while travelling.


I tried sharing all my experiences. I hope you liked and found this article helpful. To conclude the article, I would suggest that you handle your hair properly and eat a proper diet. Hair is a body element and needs similar care as other body parts need. 

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Anukriti Srivastava
Anukriti Srivastava

Anukriti Srivastava is freelancer who works in various domains like content writing, editing, blogging, Voice over, and presentation making. She has written blogs in niches like food, gifts, lifestyle, education and fashion. She believes in writing in simple language to keep the audience intact till the end rather than distracting them with difficult vocab. She holds a bachelor’s degree in science from Dr. HariSingh Gour university, Sagar, M.P. She wants to be a journalist and news-anchor in future. In spare time she loves to read self-help books and romantic novels.

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